First, reading the first assignment on Learning Management Systems was just an informative article from Wikipedia. I did understand most of it especially cbt's and collaborative learning stuff. One thing that it did mention that I like was the more LMS's do the more average users use it less. That really struck a cord with me as I remember back to the earlier days of PowerPoint when i would do make presentations with tons of bells and whistles. Now I hardly use any.
One of the things in the second article that I found interesting was that 95% of colleges use LMS and online/blended learning but in the K-12 setting it is going nowhere. I wonder why that it is? Anyone? Anyone? (sorry, bad joke). Another thing is if some are offered for free, and others cost, why are we paying? It seems the ones that cost money have more bells and whistles and according to the first article, that was not the best. Using free software like moodle and blackboard would seem to be the way to go. I like the last comment that roughly said LMS can be the central hub if it empowers teachers, parents are involved, and students can effectively use it. Doesn't that sound like education through out its history? What has changed?
The third article was excellent as it brought up many of the problems with implementing LMS's in school. The responses to why LMS's were not used much were the same I think when it comes to using technology. Technical issues and poor training. When we first got a mobile computer lab with wireless labtops, it took 15 minutes of class just to get them all working, then after the instruction, there was no time to use them. Three day computer work ended up as a 2 week unit that was not real effective. Other things that it mentioned was that the teachers felt monitored. Call me crazy but I wish I was monitored more that I am now. I think administrators should be in classrooms more, learning what there teachers do and understanding that so it is easier and efficient to be able to get us resources when we need it. I always invite my princapal to participate on an online discussion. So if he was monitoring the discussion, that would actually be good. Crazy......
Lastly, the article mentioned mistrust between content verses the teaching and learning. I don't really buy that as a new thing. Ever since the test became more inportant then teaching, that has started. Why should technology get the blame now? Many of will agree, "just get out of my way and let me teach" would probably still be the best.
Mike, I agree that we should use a product for LMS that is free and broad. This will make it more accessible for teachers. I do feel that if teachers could agree to use the same system that would be helpful for students.